How To Maximize Campaign Optimization on SKAd
Apple only allows 100 values for campaign_ID. You will need to decide how to use them wisely. Take the lead with Smadex.
Apple only allows 100 values for campaign_ID. You will need to decide how to use them wisely. Take the lead with Smadex.
Now that Apple has officially announced the full SKAdNetwork implementation [...]
Watch the webinar and get the latest insights on SKAd from top leaders in the industry.
App Tracking Transparency’s rollout date is getting closer, and advertisers [...]
By limiting the information send through SKAd postbacks, Apple is opening a new chapter in digital advertising. The only scenario where IDFA will still be available is when the user provides consent to both the publisher app and the advertiser’s app.
Post App Tracking Transparency (ATT) will change how mobile attribution [...]
At WWDC 2020, Apple announced several changes to iOS 14 [...]